Is connecting with the right target audience and delivering valuable content a struggle for you? If you answered yes, you are not alone. It’s the single biggest problem for most business owners – how to land and keep new leads coming in. In this episode, I share a proven, dependable, and profitable way to harness the power of lead magnets in your business.  Not only do lead magnets build a strong email list, help to grow your following, lift your authority and qualify your leads, but they allow you to scale your revenue. So, before you even ask – yes, you need a lead magnet, and here’s why and how to use one.

Listen here on the Podcast!

Your Biggest Struggles As A Creative

Are these three statements true for you?

  • It’s becoming harder to gain new followers on social media from your posts. 
  • You’re not gaining new customers using direct message reach outs. 
  • And your bank account can’t afford large ad spends. 

So what’s your next move to make sales? I have the answer. The proven next step is to harness the power of lead magnets. It’s proven, dependable, and profitable.

Not only do lead magnets build a strong email list, help to grow your following, lift your authority and qualify your leads, but they allow you to scale your revenue.

Do you need a lead magnet?

So to answer the question, “Why do I need a lead magnet?” 

My simple answer is, “Because you own a business and want to make continuous sales with strangers on the internet.”

I believe every type of business needs a lead magnet if they ever want to generate consistent automated leads online. 

When you use lead magnets, you can attract high-quality prospects into your sales funnel. For example, in 2020 alone, I gained over 4,500 new email subscribers because of my lead magnets.


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Lead Magnets 101

So in case you have a business and don’t have a lead magnet, I’m going to assume you don’t know what a lead magnet is and the power it has. So allow me to start there.

The primary function of a lead magnet is to help you grow your email list with ideal clients. 

But who are ideal clients, and why do you need an email list?

Who are your ideal clients?

Well, ideal clients are people who are your perfect buyer. They have all the problems your product fixes and are more likely to be product buyers when they get on your email list.

So, of course, we want these ideal clients inside your email list so you can build a deeper relationship with them in a way that social media doesn’t allow.

Why you need an email list

So, of course, we want these ideal clients inside your email list so you can build a deeper relationship with them in a way that social media doesn’t allow.

The other glaring reason you need an email list is aside from your website; it’s the only thing you have control over. These dedicated email followers are yours. You don’t own Instagram or Pinterest followers. At any time, those platforms can change how they show your posts and make you pay to play.

These reasons make building an email list crucial to creating continuous revenue and relationships.

What is a lead magnet?

So back to the lead magnet. What is it?

In simple terms, a lead magnet is any article or service given in exchange for a reader’s contact information, most notably their email address. Most are free of charge, but you may see some lead magnets referred to as “tiny offers” where they are sold for a small $7 price tag.

Common Lead Magnets

The most common lead magnets I use are a:

  • digital PDF ebook or guide,
  • an online quiz,
  • a video webinar,
  • and an online community such as a Facebook group.

Where to house your lead magnet

To offer your lead magnet, you use an opt-in form to receive the name and email of the subscriber.

The most common place to house an opt-in is:

  • on a landing page,
  • pop-up,
  • blog post,
  • chatbot,
  • or your website.

What is a Lead Magnet Funnel

Once people provide their contact information, you deliver the lead magnet to them in their inbox. From there, you send them up your value ladder. To do this, you use automated email sequences to invite them to purchase your product that helps fix their next problem. This is the start of a lead magnet funnel.

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Converting Readers into Subscribers

By converting your blog and social media readers into email list subscribers using a lead magnet, you are now able to pop into their inbox at your leisure. These are not casual followers who’ve liked you on Instagram. Instead, these subscribers have invited you into their sacred inbox home. It’s a big deal.

When you regularly engage with your email subscribers, they become your most loyal customers. So, of course, you want to do anything you can to create more of them! And using a lead magnet does that job for you.

Get a free copy of my Profit Pipeline™ along with a 17-minute demo video HERE!

Why you need a lead magnet: Creating a lifetime customer

What’s important to understand is that a lead magnet is at the front of your value ladder. This means a lead magnet is your ideal client’s first impression of your brand outside your content marketing on social media and your blog.

When done right, an irresistible lead magnet will turn your ideal client into a lifetime customer.

You get them on your email marketing list, they consume your lead magnet, and hopefully, it sets them up for the next step, which is purchasing your products.

What happens throughout this action is they see you as having authority with their pain point. As a result, their trust increases with you; thus, you deepen connections with your subscribers.

Developing the perfect lead magnet

To entice people to subscribe to your list, you must offer them something that delivers an immediate benefit. A transformation they can get without spending hours reading, watching, or listening to consume your solution.

The first step to developing the perfect lead magnet for your business is to consider your ideal client’s common obstacles and pain points they are experiencing.  

  • What’s their #1 problem that you could help solve for them with a lead magnet?

Next, think about the pain points that your paid product solves.

The perfect lead magnet needs to solve a problem your ideal client has — fast – while also setting them up to need your paid product to fix their next issue.

  • What does your ideal client need to know or acknowledge before they are ready to purchase your paid product?
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Things to keep in mind about your lead magnet

Remember, this lead magnet needs to be the BIG CARROT that officially brings a reader into your brand. But after you solve your ideal client’s #1 problem with your lead magnet, what will be your ICA’s next #1 problem? 

That will be the following paid product on your value ladder. One should lead right into the other. 

When you are strategic with having your lead magnet targeted toward a paid offer – you save yourself low-quality random leads who aren’t interested in paying for your next offer. 

There is a lot of reverse engineering that goes into a lead magnet, so be clear about the instant gratification you will deliver – the WHAT and WHY… not the entire HOW! If you answer the “what” and the “why” with your lead magnet,  then your next offer — your paid product — can provide the “how.”

One tip is not to make your lead magnet about what you want them to know. Instead, make it about what they want to know and the problem they need a quick solution for.

In short, your lead magnet is the prerequisite to prepare people for the transformation process in your paid product.


Ep 64: What Makes A Lead Magnet Irresistible

Ep 61: How To Create A Lead Magnet In A Single Afternoon

Ep 44: 5 Ways To Make Sure Your Lead Magnet Isn’t A Big Fail

Need our help?

Before your business closes out another year – set aside an afternoon to create an effective lead magnet for your value ladder. And if you need help, I’m one strategy call away. You can learn more about my 1:1 CORE services at (We offer complimentary discovery calls!)

Within CORE Brand Marketing Group, we help female-driven businesses go from feeling stuck and stagnant to having total control of generating high-quality leads on automation.

Lead Magnet Funnel – In Conclusion

By creating a strategic lead magnet, you not only show your potential customers that you are here to serve them and not just take their money, but you position yourself as an expert in your industry.

While you may have rolled your eyes in the past at the thought of needing to spend additional time and money nurturing leads, don’t underestimate the power of lead magnets.

Yes, it’s a bit more work upfront, but a lead magnet brings you incredible long-term gain.

Using a solid lead magnet to connect with the right target audience and deliver valuable content will not be a struggle for you like it is for every other business owner!

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Build a Continuous Flow of New Clients Using This Simple Profit Pipeline™ – HERE!
  2. Turn Your Chaos Into Clarity in Just 90 Minutes with this One Call – HERE!
  3. Obtain the Support System You Need Inside Our Coaching Group – HERE!
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Since I share awe-inspiring resources and must-have products for business builders like you who want to streamline their business – my content may contain affiliate links for products I use and love. If you take action (i.e. subscribe, make a purchase) after clicking one of these links, I’ll earn a small commission. While it has no effect on your pricing, it’s my responsibility to let you know that an income (however small or large it may be) is made from recommending products I love, use, and share with other awesome people like yourself. With your support, I’m able to commit time to this blog and to each of you on your journey!

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