Do you run in-person yoga classes and wonder how to capture leads online? You’re not alone. Many business owners struggle with the transition from offline services to online marketing. But here’s the good news – it’s not as complicated as it may seem. Let’s dive into how you can set up a yoga marketing funnel for your in-studio classes, attract the right audience, and convert them into regular attendees using our proven system, The Profit Pipeline™.

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Rethink Your Yoga Marketing Strategy


“How do I set up a marketing funnel for in-person yoga classes? I understand capturing leads online to sell a course, but how would that work for my local business?”


So glad you asked this question! While marketing funnels work to draw in your ideal customers and transform them into paying customers sometimes it’s hard to understand what that looks like for an in-person business like yours. But the good news is – that the same Profit Pipeline™ funnel works for you, too!

Let me go ahead and break down the steps with a cute diagram so you can see this visually!

Step 1: Targeted Marketing Strategy

Your yoga marketing funnel from the outside begins with brand awareness but internally is where the real magic happens. Way before you even start using social media, you need to understand the reasons why your best students show up and pay you for yoga! This means THINKING a lot! Once you get deep down into what they want out of yoga, you can expand on those pain points and symptoms to start capturing prospects.

Example: Attending In-Person Yoga Classes

Enhanced Posture and Alignment

Symptom they are experiencing: Chronic Back Pain or Discomfort

  • One of the most common symptoms is chronic back pain or discomfort. If you find yourself constantly adjusting your position when sitting or standing due to discomfort or if you regularly experience aches in your back, neck, or shoulders, these could be signs of poor posture.
  • Poor posture can result from various things like prolonged sitting, inadequate physical activity, or even everyday habits like constantly looking down at your phone. Over time, this can lead to misalignment in your body, causing chronic discomfort or even more serious health issues.
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Attending in-person yoga classes can be a game-changer in such cases. With personalized guidance from experienced instructors, you can learn the correct alignment for various poses, building strength and flexibility in key areas and ultimately improving your posture.

Can you now see how this information is the key to connecting with MORE clients who need what you have to offer?

And this is just the beginning of yoga marketing ideas!

Step 2: Attracting Prospects

Use social media, blog posts, or even partner with local businesses to increase visibility for your brand. Remember, it’s all about reaching the people who would benefit most from your yoga classes. Using local SEO and niche-specific social media content is how you’ll reel in these prospects to your online content!

TIP: Answer the questions your ideal client has inside your marketing content!

Related Article: The Power of Local SEO: A Must-Have Strategy for Businesses with a Physical Location

Step 3: Capture Leads

Once potential students know about your brand, feel heard by how well you connect with them, and appreciate the valuable content you offer, it’s time to capture their information. Offer a free class or a downloadable yoga video in exchange for their email address. We call these lead magnets. This is where the Profit Pipeline™ shines, guiding leads from awareness to conversion effortlessly.

Step 4: Nurture Your Leads

This is where the magic happens. Use the email addresses you’ve collected to build relationships using automated email marketing. In some cases SMS marketing works well too!  Share valuable content like yoga tips, benefits of regular practice, or even inspirational stories from your current students. As they get to know your brand and trust builds, they’ll be more likely to sign up for your classes.

Step 5: Convert Leads into Regular Attendees

With trust established, it’s time to convert those leads. After welcoming these leads to your email list – next, send them a set of (sales) emails that reinforce you can fulfill the desire they have. Remember, it’s about providing value. Show them how attending your classes will enhance their lives.

Step 6: Retain Your Students

The journey doesn’t end at conversion. Keep your students engaged with regular updates, additional resources, and constant support. Setting up an onboarding sequence is a great start for this! A loyal student is a recurring revenue source and a potential advocate for your brand.

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Implementing this funnel might seem daunting, especially if you’re tech-challenged. But don’t worry, Lead Drip 365™ was created with you in mind! With step-by-step guidance and a host of benefits, you won’t find anywhere else!

  • Short actionable lessons with video walkthroughs
  • Real-Life Examples from some of my CORE clients!
  • Adapt my teaching from building 100+ of these funnels for various industries

Yoga Studio Marketing Strategies

Here’s how yoga marketing works in 6 steps using the Profit Pipeline™:

  1. Target your market with the right strategy
  2. Attract your ideal students online with targeting marketing.
  3. Capture their information by offering valuable resources in return.
  4. Nurture these leads by sharing engaging email content.
  5. Convert them into regular attendees with strategic email storytelling.
  6. Retain them with constant support and additional resources.

Remember, the goal is to address your audience’s pain points with urgency and optimism, showcasing your expertise and confidence to build trust and motivate them towards positive change.

If you have something to sell, this will work!

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Hear from someone who understands you…

Join me on this journey of entrepreneurship, where I share practical, insightful, and valuable content to help you take action and move your business forward. Together, we’ll explore ways to achieve success while nurturing a more fulfilling work-life balance. Let’s embrace the challenges, grow resilient, and prioritize self-care for a well-rounded and meaningful life.

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Build a Continuous Flow of New Clients Using This Simple Profit Pipeline™ – HERE!
  2. Turn Your Chaos Into Clarity in Just 90 Minutes with this One Call – HERE!
  3. Obtain the Support System You Need Inside Our Coaching Group – HERE!
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