Digital Marketing For Small Business Articles

How to Increase Engagement on Instagram Using Branding Photos

Listen here Getting more brand engagement is a want of every business owner I work with. They don’t want to waste their time on social media if their content goes unnoticed. In my experience… using my face in my visuals and my story in my copywriting deepens...

Ep 96: Want to increase your email open rate? Here are four places to start.

Listen here Podcast Show Notes If one marketing channel has remained a dominant constant for years, it’s email marketing. Email marketing remains a highly effective way to engage potential clients in 2021. By understanding and implementing these four email open rate...

Ep 95: The Simple Instagram Hashtag Formula for Beginners

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Hashtags on Instagram remain one of the best free tools to get immediate eyes on your post. And when used correctly for your content can increase viewers on your post by 30-80%. Even as a hashtag beginner you can get your content in...

Ep 92: 4 Important Stages Of A Sales Funnel: What Are They?

Listen here Podcast Show Notes There is so much chatter around sales funnels, sales stages, and strategies. I get it, it can be overly confusing even to someone who deals with marketing every day to keep the lingo all straight. In this article, I will share what the...
5 Social Media Captions You Should Avoid

5 Social Media Captions You Should Avoid

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to build brand awareness, social reach, and customer loyalty. But with social media being such an integral part of our lives, it’s important to know how to use social media for your business or personal brand in the right way so you don’t hurt your own reputation. Here are five social media captions you should never use.

Ep 109: How to Write a Blog Post for Maximum SEO

Ep 109: How to Write a Blog Post for Maximum SEO

SEO Optimization and writing a blog article for maximum SEO can be tricky. It is essential to focus on keywords, but there are other things that you need to keep in mind when writing your post. This episode discusses some of the most valuable tips and tricks you can use while writing your next blog for SEO article.

Ep 108: How to generate sales using social media without selling

Ep 108: How to generate sales using social media without selling

We’ve all used social media to sell a product only to be let down no sales were made. But what if I shared with you a fail-proof method to generate sales using social media that didn’t involve selling? Selling on social media never was easier with this approach. Inside this article, I share the simple steps to make better use of your content on social media that will activate your audience to make a purchase! Get ready to flip your social media marketing strategy on its’ head!

Ep 22: Do The Hard Today To Be Happier Tomorrow

Ep 22: Do The Hard Today To Be Happier Tomorrow

Boy, is that easier said than done. Especially when hard looks like missed sales goals, flopped ads, email unsubscribes, client return requests and alllll the things that get us down and out.

And no… all the cute Insta quotes in the world can’t pick us back up at times.

When we want things to be easy or at minimum handed a clear path to success… and we expect our actions to bring us closer to our goals… we are inevitably disappointed when things don’t go as planned. 

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Ep 21: Ditch Multi-Tasking For This Time-Saving Trick: with Special Guest Jenny Taylor

Ep 21: Ditch Multi-Tasking For This Time-Saving Trick: with Special Guest Jenny Taylor

Multitasking seems like a great way to get a lot done at once. I mean us entrepreneurs are always looking to save time and get more things done so if we can knock different tasks right after one another or at once – isn’t that a good way to increase productivity?

While multitasking might seem like you are accomplishing many things at once, research has shown that our brains are not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks as we like to think we are.

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Ep 20: My #1 Secret To Writing Magnetic Copy

Ep 20: My #1 Secret To Writing Magnetic Copy

Whether it’s a weekly email you send out to your list, an Instagram post, a blog entry, or you are building a sales page for your digital product offer… we all strive to write copy that draws the reader closer to us and deepens our connection with them, right?
I train a lot about this in my Content Marketing Step of my Stay in Your Lane Brand Method.
What we really want is writing that’s compelling, interesting, and unique to use.
We need copywriting that’s magnetic.

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Ep 19: Why It’s Not Too Late To Be A Beginner: with Special Guest Kelly Shepherd

Ep 19: Why It’s Not Too Late To Be A Beginner: with Special Guest Kelly Shepherd

Ever wonder what the world’s most successful entrepreneurs looked like when they first started?

Ding, Ding, Ding…

Like beginners. They had no clue what they were doing. 

Seriously. No one has it all figured out, especially in the early days.

But if you ever want to hit goals and reach the success you dream of – you must train yourself to start BEFORE you’re ready.

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Ep 14: The 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web

Ep 14: The 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web

If there’s one business that’s easy to start and one you can make income right away with, it’s one in direct sales — having been a part of a few direct sales models in my day, I’ve seen marketing done well, while also done horribly wrong.

With over eight years of experience in this space, I’ve used a simple system to grow my business portfolio into a six-figure annual income while being a part of multiple direct sales companies. 

Press play right now on Branding Bites Podcast Episode 14 as I share the first mistake I made in my direct sales business and my 5-Step Method For Building A Direct Sales Business On The Web. A proven way to attract new clients, create engagement, and grow your online sales… in less than 30 days!

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Ep 12: The #1 Productivity Hack Every Business Owner Needs To Use

Ep 12: The #1 Productivity Hack Every Business Owner Needs To Use

Let’s get real. Feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted in your personal or professional life has nothing to do with how many awake hours you have to work.
It’s because the hours you do have you spend too much time trying to juggle more than one thing.
The highest cost of doing multiple things at once is a gradual, long-term decline in your productivity and satisfaction.
If I’m being honest, When you get in the habit of always dividing your attention you are half-assing every activity or task you do.

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