Social Media Marketing Articles

Ep 95: The Simple Instagram Hashtag Formula for Beginners

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Hashtags on Instagram remain one of the best free tools to get immediate eyes on your post. And when used correctly for your content can increase viewers on your post by 30-80%. Even as a hashtag beginner you can get your content in...

Ep 88: What Colors To Wear To Immediately Boost Productivity

Listen here Podcast Show Notes With content marketing and lead generation being a huge part of your business, you are consumed with video marketing and on-camera shots. One forgotten piece to this puzzle is what to wear to not only give yourself a boost of...

Ep 85: How To Use Blog Content To Create Sustainable Trust

Listen here Podcast Show Notes If you are blogging you know that it is an incredible lead-generating feature. So since you are taking the time to research, format, optimize for SEO and publish your blog articles every month, let’s make sure you are using and re-using...

Ep 75: One Simple Way To Align Your Content With Your Target Audience

Listen here Podcast Show Notes You work hard to write copy, take photos, and schedule your content - but what happens when it gains you zero attention? Do you scrap it and proclaim you don’t know how to write content? Nope, not at all. In this article, I’m sharing the...
Ep 108: How to generate sales using social media without selling

Ep 108: How to generate sales using social media without selling

We’ve all used social media to sell a product only to be let down no sales were made. But what if I shared with you a fail-proof method to generate sales using social media that didn’t involve selling? Selling on social media never was easier with this approach. Inside this article, I share the simple steps to make better use of your content on social media that will activate your audience to make a purchase! Get ready to flip your social media marketing strategy on its’ head!

Ep 107: 5 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Branding

Ep 107: 5 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Branding

With almost 4B people worldwide using social media, you can understand why brand awareness is a top priority for marketers. Whether you use social media to increase sales, drive awareness, or generate new leads… there are 5 things you can start doing today in your business to improve your social media branding to reach your goals!

Ep 106: How To Take Advantage Of Mobile Commerce Sales This Holiday

Ep 106: How To Take Advantage Of Mobile Commerce Sales This Holiday

2021 holiday shopping is gearing up to be a mobile-commerce explosion. But do you know how to take advantage of this holiday retail season for your online business? I have decades of experience doing holiday social media campaigns. Inside this article, I share the 7 steps you need to execute today to have a successful holiday commerce brand strategy. Don’t wait. Start now with your holiday selling preparation! (free holiday selling guide!)

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