Digital Marketing For Small Business Articles

Ep 88: What Colors To Wear To Immediately Boost Productivity

Listen here Podcast Show Notes With content marketing and lead generation being a huge part of your business, you are consumed with video marketing and on-camera shots. One forgotten piece to this puzzle is what to wear to not only give yourself a boost of...

Ep 87: 12 Essential Business Tools You Need This Year

Listen here Podcast Show Notes With so many ways to automate, streamline, and outsource the process of building and growing your business, how do you know which business tools to use? With over 20 years of experience in the online selling space, I've used multiple...

Lead Magnet Funnel: Why You Need One and How to Use Them

Is connecting with the right target audience and delivering valuable content a struggle for you? If you answered yes, you are not alone. It’s the single biggest problem for most business owners - how to land and keep new leads coming in. In this episode, I share a...

Ep 85: How To Use Blog Content To Create Sustainable Trust

Listen here Podcast Show Notes If you are blogging you know that it is an incredible lead-generating feature. So since you are taking the time to research, format, optimize for SEO and publish your blog articles every month, let’s make sure you are using and re-using...
Ep 107: 5 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Branding

Ep 107: 5 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Branding

With almost 4B people worldwide using social media, you can understand why brand awareness is a top priority for marketers. Whether you use social media to increase sales, drive awareness, or generate new leads… there are 5 things you can start doing today in your business to improve your social media branding to reach your goals!

Ep 106: How To Take Advantage Of Mobile Commerce Sales This Holiday

Ep 106: How To Take Advantage Of Mobile Commerce Sales This Holiday

2021 holiday shopping is gearing up to be a mobile-commerce explosion. But do you know how to take advantage of this holiday retail season for your online business? I have decades of experience doing holiday social media campaigns. Inside this article, I share the 7 steps you need to execute today to have a successful holiday commerce brand strategy. Don’t wait. Start now with your holiday selling preparation! (free holiday selling guide!)

Ep 103: 6 Proven Ways To Increase Website Traffic

Ep 103: 6 Proven Ways To Increase Website Traffic

You spend a lot of time inside your blog and website to build sales pages and offers. But what are you doing to drive more traffic to your website? Inside this article, I share six innovative ways to increase website and blog traffic so you can increase leads and conversions.

Ep 11: My One Unexpected Joy From 2019 That Could Bring You More Clarity

Ep 11: My One Unexpected Joy From 2019 That Could Bring You More Clarity

As we close out 2019 and enter a new year and a new decade it’s only appropriate to honor the past year by celebrating your joys, mourning your losses, and shaking your head at the wonder of all of it.

Today I wanted to get very honest and transparent with you and share an unexpected joy of mine from 2019.

I know many of you have direct sales experience or are currently in one so I think this story will help you in many ways find clarity if you are thinking of expanding or pivoting your business portfolio.

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Ep 8: How To Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Field While Staying Authentic

Ep 8: How To Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Field While Staying Authentic

In today’s world of digital marketing and online sales, one thing to understand from the beginning is that you’re “selling” so much more than just your product or service on a daily basis.

Every day readers of your original content are paying attention to the experience that your brand gives them, and the emotions that you invoke within them.

What this means is that you are not selling your product, service or opportunity…

You’re in reality selling yourself, your image and your reputation.

Which is short, is your personal brand.

You sell you personal brand every time you show up online.

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Ep 4: How to Create a Holiday Campaign Brand Strategy That Will Get You Noticed This Season

Ep 4: How to Create a Holiday Campaign Brand Strategy That Will Get You Noticed This Season

A successful Holiday Promotion doesn’t happen without some thoughtful planning… and since you, my dear are a  purpose-driven CEO you aren’t going to pass up the chance to snag a new client or two or ten!

And if you think your tiny business doesn’t have a chance against the big dogs of the social space, think again. Remember, people do business with people… and the more emotion and storytelling you do the more you are going to connect with your ideal clients.

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