Digital Marketing For Small Business Articles

12 Ways to Market Yourself As An Expert

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Marketing yourself is essential for any business, especially when starting out. This article will discuss 12 ways to market yourself online and build your brand .... even if you still don't consider yourself an expert! Self Marketing...

How To Know If You Need a Digital Marketing Agency

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Maybe you’ve heard of other colleagues using a marketing agency or even heard me discuss the branding and marketing agency that I own and run. But does your business need a marketing agency?  It can be hard to know, especially if...

The 6 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Why You Need It

Listen here Podcast Show Notes Small businesses and solopreneurs always look for new and innovative ways to reach customers and grow their businesses. And digital marketing is one of the most effective tools for doing just that. In this article, we discuss the...

Your Step by Step Guide To Building A Website

As a solopreneur, you know that having an online presence is essential to reach new customers and grow your brand. But how do you create a website that will engage your audience and help you achieve your business goals? In this article, I will walk you through...
How to Quickly Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas When You Feel Stuck

How to Quickly Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas When You Feel Stuck

Are you feeling stuck when it comes to brainstorming ideas for your blog? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! It can be tough coming up with new and engaging content ideas, especially if you feel like you’ve already covered everything there is to say on your chosen topic. But don’t despair! You can use a few simple tricks to get those creative juices flowing again. In this blog post, I’ll share some of my favorite tips for brainstorming blog post ideas when you feel stuck. So if you’re ready to jump-start your content creation, read on!

The Beginner’s Guide to SEO Copywriting

The Beginner’s Guide to SEO Copywriting

If you’re just getting started with SEO copywriting, then this blog article is a great place to start. Search engine optimization is a critical part of any online marketing strategy, and as a solopreneur, you can’t afford to miss out on any potential customers. Inside this article, we give you a solid foundation on which to build your SEO knowledge. From there, you can start experimenting with different SEO-friendly writing techniques and strategies to see what works best for your business. And while it may seem like a daunting task, SEO copywriting for beginners is actually relatively simple so let’s dive in!

Why Building a Brand is Important For Your Small Business

Why Building a Brand is Important For Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you may be wondering why building a brand is important. After all, isn’t it enough to simply have a great product or service? The answer is no. In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s more important than ever to have a strong brand that differentiates you from your competitors. In this article, I cover what is a brand, why your business needs one, and 8 benefits of taking the time to invest in building a brand for your business.

Ep 83: 5 Reasons You Should Automate Your Business

Ep 83: 5 Reasons You Should Automate Your Business

I know the immediate value that automation can create in a business. And in this article, I want to help you understand how you can start to automate parts of your business and finally make the switch from burned out to beaming with absolute freedom. The freedom comes when you don’t have to open a laptop on vacation or even check one single message when at your kid’s sporting event. I shared the 5 reasons I believe you should automate your business and become an entrepreneur.

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Ep 72: 4 Ways to Create Short-Form Video Content That Connects on Instagram

Ep 72: 4 Ways to Create Short-Form Video Content That Connects on Instagram

So we all want new clients, right?! But there’s a piece of attraction that needs to happen to grow a reader’s trust and see you as the solution to their problem.

As I discussed in Episode 50, I rely on publishing content to my blog every week inside my simplistic sales process.

Nothing overwhelming, only one new article a week, which is manageable for very every business builder. This blog article allows me to refresh my social content, Pinterest pins, and video content weekly.

This leads me to share in today’s episode, “How to start writing an SEO-friendy blog post to boost your visibility.”

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Ep 70: Tell This Value Story To Sell More Products

Ep 70: Tell This Value Story To Sell More Products

Instead of product pushes and vomit, would you rather use content that can attract, influence, and convert? If you’re listing the features of your product, you’re doing it all wrong. Inside this article, I share how using a value story may just be the missing content strategy you need to scale your business and sell more products. Plus a FREE Framework Download Swipe File!

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Ep 69: A Website: 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs One Immediately

Ep 69: A Website: 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs One Immediately

I hear it all the time. “I have a Facebook and Instagram account – do I really need a website too?” The answer is YES 100x over. I don’t care if you sell toilet paper, socks, or skincare… you need a website. And when I say website – I mean an online platform that you own where you host content. A social media platform cannot provide that for you no matter how much you love to use your social sharing apps. Most likely, this is a website home page with an attached blog.

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5 Simple Instagram Carousel Ideas to Increase Saves

5 Simple Instagram Carousel Ideas to Increase Saves

Instagram carousel posts are one of the most creative tools you can use because they are a way that you can share multiple photos or videos in one post to your Instagram grid. With a solid creative strategy, you can boost engagement levels, increase brand loyalty, and even drive product sales! I know you’re wondering how your brand can best utilize this feature – So I’ve come up with 5 Simple Instagram Carousel Ideas to Increase Saves. Tell a visual story without overwhelming your feed and get more engagement in the meantime.

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